
Meet Oscar Winner Ernest Thompson
Dates are being added regularly.
Many events are free and open to the public and some require registration or tickets. Check calender for details.

The Book of Maps
Hardcover, eBook and Audiobook Now Available
The Book of Maps, with its powerful father-son relationship and one man’s relentless albeit unintentional quest to evolve into the better angel we all aspire to be, will capture the imagination of readers and leave them wanting to relive this mad, irresistibly moving, ridiculously funny, reflective and inspiring cross-country odyssey again and again.

Out Clause
Coming in 2025
If you could get out of your life, bad marriage, dead-end career, self-destructive pattern of mistakes and missteps, would you? Not terminate but renegotiate. If someone offered you an out clause, would you take it?

Written and directed by Ernest Thompson, this film adaptation of his one-act play The Constituent—a grizzled New Hampshire woodsman writes scathing and profane letters to his Senator in Washington, D.C., who finally has had enough and comes to pay a (not so) friendly visit—is more timely than ever. And even funnier. And it’s crazy funny. And reassuringly optimistic, too, proving that authentic human connection can still trump our political differences. Well, maybe not trump. Starring Ernest and Emmy winner Gordon Clapp in the roles Burgess Meredith and Ned Beatty originally played on TV, along with New York’s darling Lisa Bostnar, is presently in post-production.

PHOTOS: Ernest Thompson on the set with co-stars Gordon Clapp and Lisa Bostnar and cinematographer Jack Axelrod.

The long-awaited streaming release of Time and Charges and Heavenly Angle is coming soon. Check out both trailers below.
Upcoming Plays by Ernest Thompson
For a complete list of amateur productions, click here.

JUNE 25 - JULY 28, 2024
Professional production of On Golden Pond
Mayfield Dinner Theatre
16615 109 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB | Canada
(780) 483-4051 | mayfieldtheatre.ca

Professional production of On Golden Pond
Surflight Theatre
201 Engleside Avenue
Beach Haven, NJ
(609) 492-9477 | surflight.org

John Davidson’s Club Sandwich
Summer ~ Fall 2024
If you haven’t been to Club Sandwich, you haven’t lived. This season, John has something extra special in store. Every show opens with his own version of New Hampshire’s clarion call,“Live Free or Die,” lyrics by Ernest Thompson and music by the legendary Art Harriman, and closes with a song for which John wrote the music and his pal Ernest wrote the lyrics, “Keep the Party Going.” The well-known TV host of Hollywood Squares and That’s Incredible!, and the recurring guest host of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (80 evenings), is more than just a funny guy, he’s starred on the big screen and on stage and has a voice and energy that won’t quit.
Sitting on a comfy couch or rocking in a chair at Club Sandwich, you’ll laugh, you’ll remember when and you’ll leave wanting to seize the day. For more information, click here.

John Davidson and Ernest Thompson
on stage at Club Sandwich

Golden Pond:
Through the Writer’s Eyes
Summer ~ Fall 2024
Take a boat ride with Academy Award winner Ernest Thompson and Captain Cindy O’Leary and see ON GOLDEN POND through the writer’s eyes. Ernest has a wealth of stories about Katharine Hepburn and the Fondas and will add his personal spin to the iconic film locations included in Captain O’Leary’s tour and, if you want, Oscar will be along for the ride. For more information and to make reservations, click here.